The access road to the Cape Lesung relatively easy. There are two paths as the primary access using four wheel drive vehicles. From Jakarta we headed Tol Jakarta - Merak, to access the first one we could get out of Toll Serang east towards the town of Pandeglang, then leads to the village Panimbang and ends in Tanjung Lesung, while access to the second one we could get out of Toll Cilegon to Anyer beach and Beach Carita then leads to the village of Panimbang and ends in Tanjung Lesung. Many directions that we can meet along the main access road to the Cape Lesung so do not worry that we will get lost. The road from the main access is already paved relatively smoothly, communication lines is also good only if we take the first road access will save time faster.
If we plan a vacation to Cape Lesung, we must be ready to charge a little expensive if we decided to stay at a luxury hotel, because Tanjung Dimples has become one of the exclusive area of beach tourism. Cape Coast region Dimples are open to the public is the Beach Club and Beach Bodur. Besides both the beach, Tanjung Lesung Coast region has been well managed by the private sector which also offers a luxurious and classy hotel to pamper each of their guests. But do not worry, for those of you who do not want to stay at a luxury hotel, before entering the Main Gate Area Tourism Cape Coast Dimples, many homestay managed by the local residents. On average they have been able to provide homestay facilities were clean and comfortable for tourists. The local government also seeks serious effort to pay attention to citizens who manage the homestay. Local governments provide a kind of internal training seminars and workshops in order to improve the knowledge of its citizens to provide good homestay for tourists. According to Pak Agus, one of the residents who is also the owner of Adam Homestay in Tanjung Lesung, even local governments to provide facilities for a comparative study to Sleman Yogyakarta for 3 days 2 nights to learn how to manage the homestay well. They also must stay in homestay while in Yogyakarta.
At that time the end of January, where my husband and I decided to vacation in Tanjung Lesung during the weekend, to coincide to celebrate our wedding day 4th. We chose Tanjung Dimples because it is not too far from Jakarta and of course beautiful beaches that we always see and read on the internet and in the media. Arriving at Tanjung Lesung we chose to stay at Homestay which has a large parking lot for our car. Soon we headed Beach Club to witness keelokkan Tanjung Lesung beach with white sand beaches known and also clarity. And the registration fee is required when entering the vehicle parking area Beach Club. A wide variety of beach activities on offer here, ranging from banana boat, jet ski tour even to Ujung Kulon National Park by boat in the group. Sure there are additional costs required to perform these activities. There are also available shop offering unique culinary seafood such as fried and grilled seafood is also fresh young coconut. Beach Club is integrated directly with the Tanjung Lesung Beach Resort, if we were guests of the hotel, then there is no registration fee to enter the area Beach Club. Once satisfied looking at the beauty of Cape Coast Dimples and beach activities, we do not want to miss to capture the beautiful sunset on a stretch of beach along Tanjung Lesung.
Not far from the homestay where we were staying, we found a pretty stretch of coast dotted cages belonging to the fishermen. Mellow beach at dusk decorated with orange violet sheen resembles a painting hung tenderly as belonging to the Supreme Court at that time amaze our eyes. Do not get bored - bored we looked at the expanse of quiet beach with purple dusk until the evening went.
Choosing to stay in a homestay has its own benefit. We can talk until late at night with homestay owner accompanied with a cup of coffee and roasted peanuts in a terrace house with a relaxed and full of a sense of family. How do they tell that the situation in Tanjung Lesung change very quickly in this last period. 'About 10 years ago the road in front of the homestay is very bad tea, and even guests to return lag'i kapok. 'Oh yes tea, many foreign tourists visiting here. The average person Bule his nginep long Teh if at Homestay, could once weekly so. Even a few years ago many Korean and Japanese people come here, because they have a joint program with the Honeymoon package - people at the resort there '.
Said the stories they share add further enhance our vacation that blends together with the natural beauty and hospitality - hospitality of local residents. They are increasingly aware that they are required to provide the best services for homestay guests so that information about their homestay faster spread.
Morning in Tanjung Lesung, cool air greeted us with the aroma of fresh wet rain water that fell overnight led us to a pier on the beach close to our homestay. 05:30 pm At that time, many fishermen are already preparing their boat to take fish in cages. They set traps such as cages they call a scoop. They made a scoop in the middle of the sea which is located not far from the beach. Serok sort of traditional fishing gear they use to catch fish. Perhaps the term is exactly the fish trap. Serok built using bamboo are planted in the middle of the sea that is used to tie the ends - ends of the nets that spread away for a whole day, when the morning comes the fishermen will menegok serok them to see the fish that enter the trap nets.
Fishermen in Tanjung Lesung rely on nature in their livelihood. When the small sea wave season, they know perfectly well that not many fish are coming into their dustpan, but when a large sea wave season, so full of joy they capture the results of the fish caught in their scoop. But they are also ready with the worst consequences that dustpan they too carried away by sea waves. Each fisherman have an average of 2 or 3 dustpan.
On the dock we became acquainted with Mr. Barak. He was a fisherman came from Bugis who wander in Tanjung Lesung. Barak pack is very friendly, he told me that most of the fishermen in Tanjung Dimples are immigrants from Bugis. His wife native Sundanese people of Tanjung Lesung. We get the chance to sail with Mr. Barak to take a scoop of his results. Mr. Barak is almost the same boat with other fishing boats here. Sturdy and strong look. Pak Barak told him, he bought for $ 20 million for a boat, not a friendly price for him. But the price can be paid off when the fishing season comes. That morning Mr. Barak was accompanied by his brother and our boat to scoop them up. Approximately at 06.15 pm we sail. Pak Barak has 3 dustpan. When Mr. Barak started the engine boat, slowly the boat left the shore and out to sea. Sea air in the morning was very friendly, lots of gulls fly freely without fear around us, many of the fishing boats passing another scoop-scoop approached them. It was an incredible experience to get to know more closely with the fishermen here.
'If the season mah now we do not have many fish Neng', said Mr. Barak as he approached his first scoop. After linking rope boat with bamboo ladle strong at the end, he began to clean the nets of unwanted impurities such as leaves - dry leaves. After that assisted his brother, they were lifting the nets and hoping there are fish that are trapped there. Sure enough, when they lift their nets, only a few fish and shrimp all they get. Likewise when they visit a scoop they were second and third, not a lot of fish and shrimp catches them. It is interesting to be used as an example here that they do not complain and bemoan their fate, because they believe in the next season they will get incredible catches.
'It is typical Neng if the season like this, even when the new year ago sorry we were equally guests, we were not many fish stocks, while a booming, we are shortage of fish, so we had to find from the next village'. 'Although this morning we only can this hour, still Neng, then we have to sell to the boss, however, we also need something to eat', said Mr. Barak further. It was not until 1 o'clock, we're back again to the shore, this time we bought the shrimp catch is the result of Mr. Barak, although only 18 heads only. Shrimp catch Mr. Barak directly we cook in a homestay. Fresh shrimp with seasoning minimalist produce exceptional taste good when compared with shrimp that has been preserved with frezzer as we usually find in the supermarket.
Pak Barak is a real portrait of the lives of fishermen in Tanjung Lesung, which is always a simple life, relying on the natural life and are always grateful for any circumstances. One thing that is owned by Mr. Barak, he can always enjoy freely harmobi natural beauty that God entrusted on the western tip of Java island. Tanjung Lesung always had a beautiful story.